connects cultures!
Our Team
Meet ETKultur's Team
We are a group of people with different cultural and professional backgrounds. Our goal is to promote intercultural interaction and social cohesion through art and creativity.
Co-Präsidentin und Coleitung Programm InterAct! 2.0
Co-Präsidentin ETKultur, Creative Leitung Programm FiT
Vorstandsmitglied Co-Leiterin Programm InterAct! 2.0
Vorstandsmitglied und Projektleiterin Farbige Welt
Vortsandsmitglied, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Fundraising
Vorstandsmitglied, community builder.
Portfolio Manager ETKultur
HR Koordinator
Projektleiterin English and Culture Meetings
Projektleitung International Kitchen Lab
Projektleitung Cultural Lab
Projektleitung Spaziergänge
Association ExpoTranskultur
board of directors
Alba Chantico Ledesma
Co-President ExpoTranskultur
Co-lead InterAct! 2.0
and Found in Translation
Nora of Bergen
Co-President ExpoTranskultur
Tamara Carrasco
Head of CFaarbige Welt and Farbige Wolle
Jenny Stutz
Co-lead InterAct! 2.0
Head of WeltTisch
Renske Heddema
Public Relations ETKultur
Lucrecia Almaraz
community building
ETKultur Vorstandsmitglieder