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The mysterious Betty Bossi

Autorenbild: ETKultur TeamETKultur Team

Aktualisiert: 11. Feb. 2021

The mysterious Betty Bossi

Betty becomes a «national cook».

If anyone revolutionized post-war Swiss cuisine from 1956, it was Betty Bossi. Her recipes were kept so clear and easy to cook that they were understood by even less experienced cooks. And this was also necessary because in most Swiss households there was a lack of knowledge and money when it came to food.

Betty cooked and baked as much as she could, always with ingredients that were already available at home or were readily available. She usually refined her recipes with a dash of Noilly Prat (vermouth). No idea why this should be one of the ingredients in Swiss cuisine.

There is only one thing that Betti uses surprisingly rarely: butter. Although it was common in Switzerland back then to use butter as cooking fat, Betty used margarine and oil.

Betty Bossi became a brand.

Betty Bossi's knowledge could be subscribed to as a magazine from 1966, and her recipes were bound in handy books from 1973. And she discovered merchandising. She began to invent fancy kitchen utensils that were supposed to make working with the presented recipes easier and that of course could only be purchased exclusively from her. At a time when housewives only had one wish to finally make their everyday life as simple as possible in order to also have some free time, these items promised a part of this happiness. In order to get Betty's things better to the man / woman, free copies of her cooking magazine landed in the mailboxes regularly.

But Betty Bossi was a phantom, her inventor was Emmi Creola-Maag (1912-2006). She was an advertising copywriter for the edible fat manufacturer Sais / Astra and was given the job of distributing the company's fats, margarine and oils.

In 2012, the Betty Bossi company went to Coop. Since then, Coop has also been selling fresh convenience products under the Betty Bossi label. The Betty Bossi company's net sales in 2018 amounted to CHF 75 million.

Your's truly

-Ana Figuerola

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